File Manager FS 📂 FileSpace storage No ad tracker

by Team Mercan



FileSpace, file explorer simple & Material Design. File manager audio, photo...

Explore your files with a beautiful user interface and play your songs with a build-in audio player.FileSpace, a file explorer (manager) lightweight and efficient.Highlights:• Stable, fast, built with a clean and intuitive interface.• Sort your files, see your all your songs and photos.• Easy to use and minimal UI using Material design (adheres to Googles design guidelines).• This app contains a Storage Analyzer to see exactly your storage space.This manager support different type of devices:• On smartphone: Find, copy, cut and paste your files, musics and photos...• On tablet: User interface responsive with your screen resolution.• Audio player controller: play, pause, next, previous.See the space available in your device, explore your sdcard and browse your content. With FileSpace, it’s like having a desktop file manager on your smartphone or tablet. Enjoy =)

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Bong Chan

It's fantastic more advance interface of file explorer program. I can't wait to try it out for results.

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